$240 deep house cleaning; additional feet will have an extra fee
• Includes cleaning the interior of oven and interior windows
• In the kitchen: the service provider cleans all cabinets (outside) and appliances (including inside oven), move your small appliances and other items on your counter and clean the counter area, clean the tops of all items and replace them where the service provider found them, scour your sink and sweep/thoroughly mop your floor
• In your bathrooms: the service provider cleans showers, tubs, toilet and sinks, clean and disinfect all fixtures and treat any mildew, clean your mirrors and the shower door tracks, move most vanity items and clean your counter areas, clean the tops of vanity items and replace them, clean your bathroom cabinets (outside) and floors
• In your bedrooms: the service provider changes the linens and make the beds (if clean sheets left out), clean wall decorations, picture frames, light switches, doors and door trim, dust, clean and/or polish all furniture and all decorative items, sweep, mop or vacuum all floors
• In all other rooms: the service provider cleans wall decorations, picture frames, light switches, doors and door trim, dust, clean and/or polish all furniture and all decorative items, sweep and mop or vacuum all floors
• This cleaning service also includes: cleaning all interior windows, blinds, base boards, window sills, ceiling fans, and other light dusting